Hunger Alleviation
Hunger Alleviation
Hunger affects the body and soul. We feed both to make a difference.
For those living in deep poverty, hunger is a constant concern. Many work as unskilled, contract laborers. And, day to day, their earnings vary. They cannot guarantee their children two meals a day, let alone three. Others rely on what their small plots of land can produce. But without fertilizer, they yield few crops. They, too, struggle to feed their families.
How can you look a hungry child in the face and tell them that Jesus loves them? You cannot. First, you must feed them. Through our child feeding programs, we provide meals to children in our tutoring and Bible clubs. Many of these children have HIV. Others come from deeply poor, single-parent homes. And still others are orphans.
How will your sponsorship help?
Your financial commitment will help keep our child feeding programs active.
Partner with us!
Give to children in our PRO-grace feeding programs worldwide. $10/month feeds one child each month. $120/month feeds 12 children each month.
Through our Maize flour & Rice Distributions, we distribute bags of rice and maize flour to those who would otherwise go without. Our recipients include HIV-positive widows, malnourished orphans, the disabled, and members of Uganda’s lowest class. With each distribution, we encourage and pray with recipients. And we extend an invitation to our church services and Bible clubs.
How will your sponsorship help?
Partner with us!
Give to those in need of our Maize flour & Rice. $10/month provides a 10-kilo bag of rice each month. $40/month provides Maize flour to a family of four each month.